What is OpenSSP?
What is a Supply Side Platform?
Who can use OpenSSP?
How do I start with OpenSSP?
Under which License is OpenSSP published?
Does OpenSSP have a user interface?
Is OpenSSP compatible with OpenRTB?
What are the technical requirements for running OpenSSP?
How many requests can the OpenSSP handle simultaneously?
Where can i get support from?
What is OpenSSP?
OpenSSP is open source Supply Side Platform. It is fully functional and free to use for anybody.Just install it using the instructions here and you are good to go with your own SSP.
What is a supply side platform?
SSP stand for Supply-Side-Platform and is located on the sell side in the RTB Ecosystem.It is a technology for publishers to sell their inventory.
It is an automatic auction for ad impressions.
These auctioned impressions can be served on mobile or desktop, they can deliver video impressions or banner impressions.
The transactions are processed in real-time, which means the auction is finished within 50-100ms and the ad is delivered.
Who can use OpenSSP?
OpenSSP is targeted to the public audience.Everyone who is interested in Real-time-advertising is invited to share the code and work with it.
How do I start with OpenSSP?
Download the code
or clone the Project from GitHub.View Get started for more information.
Under which license is OpenSSP published?
OpenSSP is released under the MIT License.For more information visit MIT License.
Does OpenSSP have a user interface?
No, OpenSSP is conceived as a middleware platform and has no user interface to interact with.You configure the SSP to need your needs via manipulating its configuration files.
Is OpenSSP compatible with OpenRTB?
Yes, of course. OpenRTB is the de facto standard in real-time-advertising.
It is fully supported up to version 2.4.For more information visit iab.
What are the technical requirements for running OpenSSP?
OpenSSP needs Java 1.8 installation and a Servlet Runtime Environment like Apache Tomcat.
How many requests can the OpenSSP handle simultaneously?
This depends of your server architecture of course.OpenSSP‘s reference installation is set up on 4 Debian servers with 10 Apache Tomcat Engines running on each.
With this Architecture you can handle up to 10000 QPS (queries per second).
Where can i get support from?
Support is given by André Schmer.Feel free to send your questions to schmer [at] ad-tech-group.com.
Also comments, proposals and suggestion are welcome.